EAZA Ape Campaign

Source: eaza.net
Each year since 2000, the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) has run a campaign focused on a specific animal species or species group. The European Carnivore Campaign of 2010 is coming to a close; in 2011 the EAZA Ape Campaign will begin.
The EAZA campaigns address a specific topic each year involving a certain habitat, a group of animals or a single animal species. Previous campaign topics have included bush meat and the crisis for amphibians or popular animals such as the tiger and the rhinoceros. The campaigns serve not only as a way to elicit donations; they also increase public awareness. Both of these effects can stimulate changes in laws and regulations.

The 2011 edition is called the EAZA Ape Campaign. This year’s goal is to make a significant and lasting contribution to the thriving of diverse species of apes and their habitats. Almost all species of hominoids – gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans and gibbons – are threatened, some of them seriously so. Threats include hunting, trade, habitat destruction and illness. The EAZA Ape Campaign will bring the fate of these apes to the public’s attention. Part of the money raised during this campaign will be used to start an EAZA Ape Conservation Fund, which can support projects for the preservation of great apes and gibbons.

The EAZA Ape Campaign has its own website: www.apecampaign.org.

http: www.apecampaign.org/